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Table of Contents

  1. How to Prepare the Source Code

  2. How to Install Requirements for MkDocs

  3. How to Run MkDocs in a Web Browser
    3.1 Common Options for mkdocs serve

  4. How to Set Up GitHub Actions for Automated MkDocs Deployment
    4.1 Preparing Your MkDocs Project for GitHub Actions
    4.2 Example CI Workflow Configuration
    4.3 Deployment Steps Explained

  5. How to Change Header Color and Theme Using MkDocs Material

  6. How to Add Weekly Assignments and Any Other Materials in General
    6.1 Adding Weekly Assignments
    6.2 Adding Other Materials
    6.3 Linking One Page to Another

How to Prepare the Source Code

  1. Download the Source Code:
    Click the link below to download the latest version of the source code as a ZIP file:
    Download Source Code

  2. Extract the ZIP File:
    Once downloaded, unzip the file to access the source code files.

  3. Follow the steps below

How to Install Requirements for MkDocs

To set up MkDocs and the mkdocs-material theme, run the following commands in your CLI:

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material

Install Libraries

How to Set Up GitHub Actions for Automated MkDocs Deployment

Preparing Your MkDocs Project for GitHub Actions


  1. Create Your GitHub Repository
    Start by creating a GitHub repository to host your MkDocs project if you haven’t already.
    Create New Repository on GitHub

  2. Create the .github Directory:

    • Navigate to the root of your MkDocs project and create a new folder named .github. This directory will house the GitHub Actions workflows and other GitHub-specific configurations.
  3. Add a workflows Directory:

    • Inside the .github folder, create another folder named workflows. This is where all workflow configuration files will be stored.
  4. Create the CI Workflow File:

    • Within the workflows folder, create a file named ci.yml. This YAML file will define the Continuous Integration (CI) workflow that GitHub Actions will execute.
  5. Configure the CI Workflow:

    • Open the ci.yml file and add the necessary steps to install MkDocs, build the site, and deploy it to GitHub Pages. See Example CI Workflow Configuration below. Example CI Workflow Configuration
  6. Commit and Push Changes:

    • Once your CI workflow is configured, commit your changes and push them to GitHub.
  7. Set Up GitHub Pages Deployment:

    • Go to your repository’s settings, open the Pages section, and set the source to Deploy from a branch.
      Deployment Source
    • Set the deployment branch to gh-pages.
      Deployment Branch
    • Save your changes.
      Save Deployment Settings
  8. Access Your Deployed Site:

    • After the workflow completes successfully, refresh the GitHub Pages section and visit the GitHub Pages URL to access your MkDocs site.
      Deployment Link
  9. Add the Deployed Site Link to Repository Details:

    • To make it easy for visitors to find your site, add the GitHub Pages URL to the repository details or the README file.
      Repository About Section
    • In the "About" section, click the gear icon to add the URL under "Website" and save your changes.
      About Website
    • Save your changes.

Example CI Workflow Configuration

Below is an example of a ci.yml file that sets up a CI workflow for deploying an MkDocs site. This configuration ensures that every push to the master or main branches triggers the deployment process.

name: ci 
      - master 
      - main
  contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Configure Git Credentials
        run: |
          git config github-actions[bot]
          git config 41898282+github-actions[bot]
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: 3.x
      - run: echo "cache_id=$(date --utc '+%V')" >> $GITHUB_ENV 
      - uses: actions/cache@v4
          key: mkdocs-material-${{ env.cache_id }}
          path: .cache
          restore-keys: |
      - run: pip install mkdocs-material 
      - run: mkdocs gh-deploy --force

Deployment Steps Explained

  • Checkout the Repository: Initializes the repository content on the runner, allowing further actions to manipulate the project files.
  • Configure Git Credentials: Sets up Git with credentials used by GitHub Actions, which allows it to commit back to your repository.
  • Setup Python Environment: Prepares the Python environment with the specified version, ensuring compatibility with MkDocs.
  • Generate Cache ID: Creates a unique identifier for caching dependencies, which speeds up subsequent workflow runs.
  • Cache Dependencies: Caches Python dependencies to reduce build time.
  • Install MkDocs Material: Installs the MkDocs Material theme and other required Python packages.
  • Deploy to GitHub Pages: Builds and deploys your MkDocs site to GitHub Pages using a force push to overwrite existing content.

How to Run MkDocs in a Web Browser

After installation, you can start the MkDocs development server to preview your documentation locally.

The command mkdocs serve launches a built-in server for easy preview and development.

mkdocs serve [OPTIONS]

Common Options for mkdocs serve

Option Type Description Default
-a, --dev-addr text IP address and port to serve documentation locally (default: localhost:8000). None
--no-livereload boolean Disable live reloading in the development server. False
--dirty boolean Only rebuild files that have changed. False
-c, --clean boolean Build the site without effects of mkdocs serve; performs a pure build, then serves it. False
--watch-theme boolean Watch the theme for live reloading. Ignored if live reload is off. False
-w, --watch path Additional directories or files to watch for live reloading (can be specified multiple times). []
-f, --config-file filename Specify a custom MkDocs config file (filename or - to read from stdin). None
-s, --strict / --no-strict boolean Enable strict mode, causing MkDocs to abort on warnings. None
-t, --theme choice (mkdocs | readthedocs) Specify the theme for building documentation. None
--use-directory-urls boolean Use directory URLs when building pages (enabled by default). None
-q, --quiet boolean Suppress warnings. False
-v, --verbose boolean Enable verbose output. False
--help boolean Display help information for mkdocs serve. False

How to Change Header Color and Theme Using MkDocs Material

  • Open Your mkdocs.yml Configuration File:

    • In your MkDocs project folder, locate and open the mkdocs.yml file.
  • Set the Color Palette:

    • Under the theme section, add or modify the palette configuration to specify your desired primary and accent colors. For example:
  name: 'material'
    scheme: default
    primary: 'blue'
    accent: 'amber'
  • Primary Color: Sets the main color theme for your header and other primary elements.
  • Accent Color: Sets the accent color for links, buttons, and interactive elements.
  • Replace 'blue' and 'amber' with the colors that best suit your style. MkDocs Material supports a variety of colors, such as 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'indigo', 'teal', etc.

  • Available Color Schemes:

    • MkDocs Material offers several built-in color schemes you can choose from. Each scheme changes the background, text contrast, and tone for the entire site, including the header and sidebar. Here’s a breakdown of each scheme:

    • default: The standard light scheme, with a white background and dark text. It provides a clean and bright look, ideal for general readability.

    • slate: A subtle, slightly darker scheme than default, featuring a muted background and softer contrast. This scheme is a great choice for a more subdued appearance while still remaining light.
    • dark: A full dark mode theme with a dark background and light text, suitable for users who prefer a low-light setting. This scheme is especially useful for nighttime reading.
    • black: The darkest scheme available, with a true black background and high-contrast light text. It’s designed to offer the most contrast and is perfect for OLED screens or users seeking maximum readability in dark mode.
  • Preview Your Changes:

    • Run the following command to preview the changes locally:

    bash mkdocs serve

    • This command starts a local development server where you can view the updated header color and palette changes.
  • Deploy Your Site:

    • Once you’re satisfied with the color scheme, deploy your MkDocs site to apply the changes to your live documentation.

How to Add Weekly Assignments and Any Other Materials in General

Adding Weekly Assignments

  • Create a New Markdown File:
    In the docs/assignments directory, create a new markdown file named in the format, where W00 represents the week number and 01 is the assignment number. Example: is the first assignment for week 0.

Folder Structure:

  • Add Front Matter:
    At the beginning of each markdown file, include the following front matter:
  layout: "assignment"
  title:  "Week 00 - Assignment 01"
    - navigation
    - toc
  • Add Assignment Content:
    After the front matter, add the details of the assignment.


  layout: "assignment"
  title:  "Week 00 - Assignment 01"
    - navigation
    - toc

  ## Week 00 - Assignment 01
  Please complete the following tasks:
  1. Task 1
  2. Task 2

Adding Other Materials

  • Create a Materials Folder:
    In the docs directory, create a folder named materials and add any relevant files (e.g., slides.pdf,

Folder Structure:


Linking One Page to Another

To create links between pages, use the following markdown syntax:

  [Link Text](path/to/pageNameWithoutDotmd)

Note: Do not include docs in the path, as it may prevent the link from working.

Example: To link from to a material called Memory in the docs/materials folder:

  layout: "assignment"
  title:  "Week 00 - Assignment 01"
    - navigation
    - toc

  ## Week 00 - Assignment 01
  Please complete the following tasks:
  1. Task 1
  2. Task 2

  - [Memory](materials/